Location and studios. Events, fashion, art, design, entertainment, fairs, convention. Creativity, projects and services  




Is the development of a fashion network in the neighbourhood of via Tortona. Gisella Borioli and Massimiliano Bizzi gathered together the owners of the locations strewn on this area in order to present Tortona Fashion District project. Their aim is to bring up the value of all fashion realities located in the area - such as showrooms, temporary and permanent exhibitions, fashion shows, etc. - during every Fashion Week in the city, through a unified communication and promotion strategy. The project aims, in the future, at involving also the other, surrounding creative realities; the idea is to give a strong connotation to this district and transform it in one of the most exclusive, alternative "window" of the city. Tortona Fashion District wants to be a concrete opportunity for Milan to become more and more an international stage in the fields of business and creativity.

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